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Frequently Asked Questions


Useful resources about Kendo

  • What are the benefits to practising Kendo?
    Kendo offers multiple benefits in multiple aspects. Kendo is a full contact martial art. It develops the Kenodoka physically, increases endurance and improves fitness. It increases mental alertness and focus: zanshin ('remaining spirit') is a very important element of Kendo. Zanshin means that you aware of your surroundings and focus on your opponent even after you finish your attack. You are ready to initiate further attacks or defend yourself with counter attacks. This is required continuously through Kendo. It teaches you to remain calm and collected during stressful situations, such as a Kendo match. Another central idea of Kendo is ki-ken-tai-icchi: during Kendo your spirit (Ki), your sword (Ken) and your body (Tai) must be in sync (Icchi) to deliver the perfect attack and achieve an ippon (valid point). During training you will learn to focus on these aspect and deliver them simultaneously. Last but not least, Kendo teaches respect: of your surroundings (dojo), of others (your sensei and your fellow Kendoka) and of yourself. Every training starts and finishes with rei (bow) to our sensei, our opponent, or our practice partner. Etiquette during training is extremely important in Kendo.
  • Is Kendo safe?
    As with any other sport or martial art there is some risk of injury. Kendo is practised in bogu (armour) which provides good protection against injuries. The most common injuries are pulled muscles, blisters on the hands and feet, or falls. However, listening to your instructor and observing common precautions will minimise the chance of injuries. One of the most common injuries is blistering, but with time - getting used to handling the shinai and practising proper footwork - they can be prevented.
  • Can i practice Kendo with injuries and/or medical conditions?
    That`s depend on the injury or the condition. Alway discuss any injury or condition with your instructor so they can advise you accordingly.
  • What equipment do I need?
    At the beginning you will not need any equipment. The club will provide you with a shinai - bamboo sword. Just wear some comfortable sports wear. You don't need to worry about footwear as Kendo is practised barefoot. As you progress you will eventually buy your own starter set which normally consists of the Kendo uniform, the gi (jacket) and hakama (traditional Japanese pleated trousers), as well as your own shinai. Buying and wearing your own bogu (body armour) will not be considered for many months after you start.
  • What membership fees need to be paid?
    There is €40 monthly fee for adults; and €25 for under 18`s to be paid directly to the Club`s bank account with standing order or bank transfer. Beside that, every Kendoka must pay annual membership fees to the Irish Kendo Federation. This fee includes the Federation membership and insurance. Full details about the Irish Kendo Federation membership fees:
  • Where are the trainings held?
    For the months of July & August 2024 we will be relocating to the Salthill Knocknacarra GAA Club. Address: Árus Bóthar Na Trá Doctor Mannix Rd, Salthill, Galway, County Galway,
  • What time & day does the club practice?
    We are training on Sundays from 12 noon to 2pm.
  • What is the minimum age to join Galway Kendo Club?
    The minimum age to join Galway Kendo Club is 14 years of age.
  • How does ranking/grading work in Kendo?
    Kendo ranks are divided into two groups: the lower kyu ranks and the higher dan ranks. Unlike in other martial arts, Kendo does not use any visible display of ranks, such as coloured belts. Kendokas start practising Kendo as "No Rank" or "Un-ranked". The Kyu system (where beginners start) progresses from 6th Kyu (lowest) to 1st Kyu (highest). The Dan system (intermediate to advanced) then starts with 1st Dan and progresses to 8th Dan.
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